Whether you’re a startup, a non-profit, or just a small business struggling to make payroll, you can’t escape the need to utilize images in a digital world, where communication with your customers and prospects is now defined by online marketing principles. So how can you incorporate images into your marketing strategy without breaking the bank?…
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5 Lessons in the Power of Marketing from Blue Bell Ice Cream
On a recent trip down memory lane, I took my family to the creamery in Brenham, Texas, so they could see how the delicious treat is made. A lot has changed for the company since I first took a tour of the factory more than 25 years ago, but one thing still remains. Those who love Blue Bell ice cream, love Blue Bell ice cream.
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A Lesson in Journalism From a Texas DPS Trooper
It’s been more than 12 years since I was a new college graduate, sent to cover my first wreck as a budding journalist. As I pulled up on the scene, my heart racing fast, I was quickly met by the DPS Trooper working the accident in the rain. “You must be the newbie at The…
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Director of Marketing or Director of Miscellaneous Activities?
When I took my first job as a “Director of Marketing”, I had two years of experience under my belt coordinating mail-outs, graphics, and tradeshows. That was my narrow view of “Marketing” at the time. Since then, I have come to learn that marketing is truly at the heart of a company’s operations. Every employee…
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Avoid the Top 5 Mistakes in Event Marketing
Have you ever spent weeks or months planning your booth for a community event, tradeshow, or seminar, only to be left disappointed after the event by the results of your efforts? Worse yet … have you ever left the event overjoyed by the number of people who came by your booth, only to never see…
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How to Create Visual Stories that Sell
When I look back on the presentations I was proud of making during my college days almost two decades ago, I shutter. Not because they weren’t impressive for my skill level at the time. Simply because they focused too much on showing off my PowerPoint skills that they lacked any true marketing strategy. Over the…
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How to Understand the Modern Marketing Funnel & Lead Generation
Marketing has a lot of responsibilities, but all of them lead to one goal … generating marketing qualified leads that help sales generate the revenue that grows the business. Just like Sales is held accountable for pipeline growth, Marketing, too, should be measured on the value of the pipeline. Why? Both teams now play an…
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5 Keys to Massive Success in Marketing & Sales
Recently I received an email from someone wanting to pick my brain. They had read an article I had written about marketing an urgent care center, and they wanted to know my thoughts on something. Their email had one simple, yet very complex, question. “We are looking at adding a marketer to our team. What…
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No Formal Training Required – A Journey to Marketing Success
Growing up, my dream was to be an elementary school teacher, but after a foreign exchange trip to Germany in high school, I declared my major in college would be international relations. I dreamed of working for the United Nations or being an ambassador for the United States to a foreign country. I had planned…
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The One Thing You Must Do to Cut Through the Clutter of a Crowded Marketplace
You’ve probably heard the age old marketing adage that goes something like this, “Marketing isn’t just about saying things differently, it’s also about doing things differently.” In order to be successful in business, you must bring wanted innovation to the marketplace. In doing so, you will carve out a unique selling proposition and build a…
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