Last night as we crawled into bed together, my husband said something. “It’s nice to be able to cuddle with you again.” For over two weeks, we had barely see one another. First because I was quarantined in the bedroom with illness before the holidays. Next, because he was. Then we spent four days visiting…
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LoL! Divorce isn’t a Laughing Matter.
When you first meet someone and fall in love, the thoughts of getting married and raising a family together are exhilarating. The newness of getting to experience everything together for the first time is intoxicating. But then life happens. You realize over time that marriage is tough. Raising a family together is tough. Communicating with…
Read moreWhat You Listen to Matters
Last night at the Rhett Walker concert, a group of five people were invited up on stage to sing with him. They got to pick the songs they sang. There was one lady who stayed hesitant to sing. Rhett played the intro to a Garth Brooks song. She immediately knew the words and took the…
Read moreOutward Development for Christians
Blessed to be invited in to attend the last session of the 412 Student Conference tonight. Here are some (unedited) notes worth sharing. Take time to read them! Speaker: Jeff Wallace UPWARD DEVELOPMENT Head Knowledge Knowledge alone is just the acquisition or gathering of information. How do you apply it to your life. How you…
Read moreIt Only Takes One – A Lesson on Bullying
On the way home from school recently, my little girl asked me, “Mommy, isn’t pink a girl’s color?” “Why do you ask,” I responded. She proceeded to tell me how a boy had worn a pink shirt to school, and she’d asked him why he wore pink. “Did you genuinely want to know why, or…
Read moreDon’t Engage with the Entitled.
Don’t engage with the entitled. That was my thought yesterday as I watched a heated exchange in the drive thru of a fast food restaurant. I had just received our order after 18 minutes of feeling stuck in the line, quietly saying to myself, “So much for ‘fast’ food.” The altercation involved two other patrons…
Read moreDon’t Scratch the Itch | Roman’s 7 and Bee Sting Recovery
For the last two nights I have managed to wake myself up around 2:00 a.m. compliments of my hand scratching my swollen foot before I am awake enough to stop it from fighting with the histamines that are fighting with the melittin from the bee venom in my body. 🐝 + 🦶 = 😣 Like…
Read moreBee Prepared | A Life Lesson from Harvesting Honey
As we headed out to pull four frames of honey from our beehive, my husband and I couldn’t have been further from our polar opposites in our personalities. I was fully dressed in my bee suit, ready to follow him across the pasture to collect our sweet reward for the first time after a year…
Read moreThe Proverbs 18:17 Filter | Two Sides to Every Story
Paul Harvey used to sign off his radio shows with the words, “Now you know…the rest of the story.” Proverbs 18:17 is a great filter for all things we hear and for reminding us of the need to get “the rest of the story” when we are told stories. It reads, “The one who states…
Read moreProverbs 14:23 | A Paradox of Work Ethics
Earlier this week, I saw a lady crossing the road as I was driving home. On one arm she was balancing a bag full of leftovers from the restaurant kitchen where she works. On the other arm she was cradling a large jug of tea. In her hands she was holding a few small other…
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