This week, I had the blessing of attending the final session of the 412 Student Conference, where Jeff Wallace delivered a powerful message about living a life that reflects Christ. His insights challenged us to develop in three critical areas: upward, inward, and outward. Here’s a recap of the key takeaways that you can apply in your daily walk with God.
1. Upward Development: Head Knowledge
Knowing about God is important, but knowledge alone isn’t enough. It’s how we apply what we learn that gives it power.
• Are you taking the truths you hear in church and integrating them into your daily life?
• More importantly, are you sharing them with others?
As followers of Christ, our head knowledge should lead to action. True growth happens when we move beyond information to transformation.
2. Inward Development: Heart Knowledge
Owning your faith means developing your character and discernment so you can live authentically for Christ.
Character: Jesus calls us to live out our faith both in public and private. Matthew 5:1-12 (the Beatitudes) shows us what Christian character looks like—humble, merciful, and pure in heart.
Discernment: In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus talks about the narrow and wide paths. We all face choices every day: will we follow the world’s way or God’s way? Your decision impacts not just your life, but the lives of those around you who don’t know Jesus.
Here’s the million-dollar question: What are you doing with what you know about God?
3. Outward Development: Making Jesus Known
We are saved to be sent. Our purpose isn’t just to know Jesus personally but to make Him known to others.
Building Relationships: Jesus modeled servant-hearted relationships (Matthew 22:37). He loved the unlovable and forgave even His enemies. Think about someone you have a strained relationship with or struggle to love—that’s the person Jesus is calling you to reach.
Loving others, especially those who are hard to love, is how we reflect Christ’s love to the world. In Luke 23:34, as Jesus was being crucified, He said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” That same radical forgiveness and love should define our relationships.
Influence: In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
• Salt represents purity. As Christians, our lives should reflect a holy and righteous witness, free from negativity or compromise.
• Light points others to Jesus. Shine boldly and intentionally so others can see the hope you’ve found in Him.
Practical Ways to Live Out These Lessons
1. Encourage Other Believers: We need accountability and support from godly friends to stay strong in our faith.
2. Love the Unlovable: Be a witness to those who don’t know Jesus.
3. Practice God’s Love at Home: Start with your family. The way you show love and grace at home sets the foundation for how you live it out in the world.
Every week, ask yourself: Who can I invite to church? This could be through a casual conversation, an intentional invitation to a small group, or simply modeling Christ in your interactions.
Your Mission: Upward, Inward, Outward
Jeff Wallace summed it up perfectly: Head (Up), Heart (In), Hustle (Out).
Philippians 1:27 reminds us that as citizens of heaven, we’ve been redeemed and called to live worthy of the gospel. That’s a message too good not to share.
So tomorrow morning, start your day with this prayer:
“God, help me to be discerning. Show me who I can talk to about You today.”
Let’s be intentional about growing upward, inward, and outward—transforming ourselves and the world for Christ.