Have you ever heard someone say, “We marry our opposite, and then we spend the rest of our life trying to change them to be just like us?”
Recently I read an article that said, “Never doubt God’s wisdom in putting you together. Your spouse is the exact person you need. The qualities you are missing, God has supplied in them. Through every difficulty you have faced, never doubt that God sovereignly put you together as a team.”
I smiled when I read those words.
My husband’s strengths are my weaknesses.
His spontaneity ensures my need for certainty doesn’t make us live a completely boring life. His ability to show grace and give forgiveness in the same way God does has taught me to be able to do the same. His ability to fix anything broken has taught me to depend on him when things go wrong … even in our personal lives.
God knew what he was doing when he introduced us. I am thankful His plan for my life was a partner who compliments my personality, a partner who lives by our wedding vows of “for better or for worse”, and a partner who has made me grow more as a person over the last decade than anyone else.