Teaching first grade kids how to tell time can be a challenge. Before teaching time, it might be a good idea to teach them fractions. Once they’ve mastered fractions, it will be easier to teach them what whole, half, and quarter hours mean.
It is also a good idea to both a digital clock and an analog clock for your lessons.
Lesson Plan
If you’re not sure where to start, you can get great ideas from these lesson plans.
- Lesson: Better Lesson
- Lesson: Thought Co
- Resource: Telling Time with Fractions
I recommend starting every lesson about time with the first song listed below. It helps reinforce the concepts in a fun way. The second song can be used for a telling time activity after the concept of time is understood.
- Song: Let’s Learn About the Clock (Jack Hartmann)
- Song: Hip Hop Around the Clock (Jack Hartmann)
If you’re looking for free telling time activities, the ones listed below are sure to be a fun way to help your first grader learn hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour.
- Activity: Learn to Tell Time Printable Clock
- Activity: Snowman Telling Time
- Activity: Telling Time Puzzle
- Activity: Telling Time Scoot
- Activity: Telling Time Boom Card
- Activity: Telling Time Hour/Half Hour Boom Card
If you want to help your first grader practice writing time between an analog and digital clock, these worksheets are great. Put them in a page cover and let the child repeat doing them with a dry erase marker.
- Worksheets: Telling Time Practice