“Where do you see yourself in the next five to ten years?”
I ask that question of others daily as a recruiter, but it’s been a while since I’ve taken the time to ponder the answer myself.
The majority of the people I talk to in their 30s or 40s don’t have an answer. The younger ones sometimes do. Usually they’re just getting started in their careers, so their vision revolves around the career path our company provides.
I realized I am just like the people I interview.
My answer has morphed a lot over the years. In high school I wanted to be a teacher. By college, I dreamed of being a peace maker working for the United Nations. By the time I graduated, I wanted to do PR for a school district or a hospital.
One might say I have been close to accomplishing the last vision twice in my career by working for an urgent care and an EMS agency.
But somewhere along the way, I quit asking myself that question. I got comfortable as a mom, a wife, and having a job that provided for us.
As I have reflected this week on that question, I have done something a little different than I did two decades ago. I invited someone with more wisdom than me into the conversation.
“God … where do you see me over the next five to ten years?”
As I have prayed for guidance to map out my life map for the next decade, I have realized how many dreams I have put on the back burner during the last decade.
One of the best blessings about my current career is the opportunity it affords me through travel to listen to Podcasts.
If you ever see a RAV4 sitting on the side of I-30 briefly, it’s because I have pulled over to take notes. My favorite note I wrote down this week came from Blake Guichet’s podcast, Confessions of a Crappy Christian.
“God has given me gifts to use in the Kingdom to get more people to the foot of the cross,” she said.
I still don’t know 100% where I see myself in the next 5-10 years, but those words will serve as my guidance as I map it out.