Do you ever find yourself searching for something more, and no matter how much you search, you just can’t seem to find what you’re looking for?
Maybe you hop from job to job, knowing the next work environment is going to make you happier. And it does, for a while.
Maybe you hop from relationship to relationship, believing the next partner you find is going to fill your heart. And (s)he does, for a while.
Maybe you keep setting goals and achieving them, but no matter how much you succeed, there’s a longing inside of you for more.
In his message today at Trinity Baptist Church, Pastor Andy Coats shared the answer to helping you overcome this problem.
Our problem in all of the above scenarios is we are self-centered. Our goals, our drive, and our purpose are internally focused, and often, those desires are not aligned with God. As long as there is a misalignment, we will always have an internal struggle that leads us searching for more.
So what has God called us to do?
**** Matthew 28:19 ****
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
God has commissioned us to be ministers of the gospel. The word “minister” translated from original scripture means “go between”. In other words, as Christians, we have been commissioned to be the go between for the gospel from God and the world.
But why?
In Ephesians 3, Paul shares his reasons for ministering to the world. In short, after spending a portion of his life persecuting Christians, Paul discovered God’s grace. He underwent a transformation, and he wanted to share the glory of that transformation with the world because of that grace.
The source of our calling in life is found in the Bible.
**** Ephesians 3:7 ****
Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace, which was given me by the working of his power.
Like Paul, as Christians, we are all undeserving of God’s grace. That is why it is so important to share our testimony with others of how his grace has transformed our lives, our relationships, and our hearts. Your story is one of a person who deserves Hell, but through salvation, you are now going to Heaven.
This calling is more than just claiming to be a Christian. This calling is more than just doing good works. This calling is to have actual conversations with people about the power of Christ. It is about not being afraid to ask, “Do you know Jesus?”, and not being afraid to say, “Let me tell you about my Jesus.”
Because we were made to boldly share and minister about the grace of God, we are waking in disobedience when we don’t.
Think about it. You know the Lord today because someone walked in obedience and shared their story with you. They invited you to church. The supported you during their tough times. They shared their testimony.
As Christians, it’s time to overcome our fears about what others might think about us if we talk about Christ, if we can’t quote the scripture, or if we don’t know the answers to the questions someone may ask when we start the conversation.
God doesn’t need fancy words to share the gospel. He just needs you to share your testimony with others so the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to do his work in their hearts.
If you want to experience the fullness of God, you have to walk in obedience.
We have become so busy running in the rat race that we are missing out on our calling.
Our cycle of life looks like this: Grow up > Go to College > Start a Career > Make Money > Get Married > Have Kids … Repeat!
But what’s missing in that cycle is Go to Church > Develop a Deep Relationship with God > Recognize His Grace in Your Life > Share Your Testimony > Make Disciples … Repeat!
**** Romans 1:16 ****
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.
Click here to watch the full message, including my Baptism.