Today during the message at Trinity Baptist Church, Pastor Andy Coats spoke about being bold in our FOLLOWship of Christ.
Four Understandings of Boldly Following Jesus:
1. There’s Pressure to Conform to the World
Our culture pushes a culture of tolerance, but if it doesn’t follow Scripture, we shouldn’t follow it. The ways of the world meet our pleasures and put our focus on us, not on God.
2. The World Will Be Offended
We aren’t here to gain acceptance of the world. The world 🌎 today is so easily offended. If the truth in the Bible offends, let it offend. Don’t be the offensive person, but introduce people to the message and let the message be offensive to them if they aren’t living and following the Scripture.
3. Your Faith & Followship Will Be Tested
It’s easy today to conform to the patterns and customs of our culture instead of standing for God. It’s easy to make the excuse or justify that decision because of the pressure of negatively worldly consequences. By justifying we miss the opportunity to lead others to Christ. When our faith and fellowship are greatly tested, we have an opportunity to greatly stand.
4. You Are Not Alone
There’s another in the fire.
Our followship is about the glory of God. When we stand boldly for Christ, God is exalted and glorified … even if it leads to ridicule by your peers. If we want to see an extraordinary God do extraordinary things, we as ordinary people have to be willing to be bold in our followship.
Click here to watch the full message.
Click here to listen to the song “There Was Another in the Fire”.